1. The color of the sponsor’s name will be in a single color that matches the number color on the jersey for
that specific team.
2. Add on is only available if you are adding to a Team or Fence Sponsorship.
3. League Division Sponsor will have logo or name printed on every player’s jersey sleeve in a division (at BYBSL’s discretion).
4. All levels of sponsorship include the web banner.
5. Logo’s for the website can be emailed to blythewoodsports@gmail.com.
6. Please fill out sponsorship form online if possible, otherwise please mail / email this form to BYBSL.
7. Make checks to BYBSL. Checks can be mailed to PO Box 384, Blythewood, SC 29016 or given to BYBSL’s
Sponsorship Director. All Sponsorship money due before Opening Ceremonies.