I agree to report to my supervisor or manager before commencing work if I suffer from
any of the following: Enteric fever (typhoid and paratyphoid) Infections caused by other types of Salmonella, Shigella (dysentery) VTEC Ecoli (0157), cholera (Vibrio) Hepatitis and jaundice
Skin Conditions (e.g. infected cuts, boils, eczema, and dermatitis) Bronchitis, productive coughs, colds and flu Disease and/or discharges from ears, nose, eyes, mouth and gums I agree to report to my supervisor or manager before commencing work if I have suffered from any of the above conditions whilst away from work (for whatever reason) e.g. weekends, holidays, sick leave, rest days. I agree to report to my supervisor or manager if any member of my household is unwell with recurring (more than one bout) diarrhoea and/or vomiting. I understand that I may be required by the Company to see the Company's Occupational Health Advisor or my own doctor for assessment of my fitness to perform food-handling
I have read (or had explained to me) and understand the Company policy on personal hygiene and food handling procedures. I understand that it is a legal requirement for me to report any of the above conditions and that it is a condition of my employment as a food handler to comply with the above requirements. I fully understand that if information is withheld, suppressed, deliberately, misleading or false then I will be liable to be dismissed or have other disciplinary action taken against