Please answer the following questions so we can learn more about you and to ensure that you are a good fit for this program!
First Name
Last Name
Your Instagram or Facebook Handle
Phone Number
Country Code
Area Code
Phone Number
On a scale of 1 to 10, how ready are you to invest in yourself so that you can get paid for your spiritual gifts?
1 is , 10 is
Who are you? Select 1 option.
Please Select
Aspiring Coach
Newly Cerified Coach
Spiritual Entrepreneur
What do you currently do for work? Do you have a spiritual business and/or certifications? If yes, how much are you getting paid for your services?
What are your top 3 intentions for the 90 Day Activation?
EG: Launch my first offer, launch the podcast, write the book, get confidence on social media ....
What are the top 3 things you know you need support with to really create a solid business? What skills-set, guidance, or education are you lacking?
Have you worked with Amber before? How much have you invested in your education/programs/coaches or mentorship to build your business to date? Please provide details!
Why should Amber select you for this mentorship?
Do you have the funds available to invest into this activation? The standard tuition is $4444, with an option to join the group experience for $2222 (payment plans available starting at $555/month). Think credit, loans, savings, stocks and retirement funds.
Yes, I have funds available to invest in my education so I can start getting paid for my gifts.
Yes, I have access to funds to invest in my education, but I get to transfer funds or take out loan/credit.
No, I don't have funds to invest in my education so I can start getting paid for my gifts, so I understand I don't qualify for this opportunity at this time.
How have you heard about this program? (eg: I follow Amber on Instagram, got an email, saw an ad...)
Please Select
I saw an ad on Facebook, I didn't know Amber before
I saw an ad on Instagram, I didn't know Amber before
I follow Amber on Facebook
I follow Amber on Instagram
I received an email from Amber
Someone referred Amber
Did you participate to the recent 'Get Paid For Your Woo Workshop'?
Please Select
If someone referred you to Exalt, please write their name here:
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