I attest that I am the parent/guardian of the individual listed . My child has my authorization to particpate in this event. PDS strives to create a safe and secure environment and I agree that neither myself nor anyone associated with my child will make a claim against, sue, or threathen PDS for any injury, sickness, lost, damage or stolen item concerning my child.
I also understand that any virus, cold, or sickness that my child may contract is not the responsibity of the organization and they will not be held financially responsible for any medication, medical bills, doctor visit, hospitalizaton or take off school/work.
I further understand that photos will be taken at the event and I agree that PDS can use my child pictures for social media marketing and program advertisement. I hereby agree that me or my child will not ask for or receive any compensation for any photos used.
This release is intended to discharge in advance all members of PDS, its Board of Directors and Sponsors against any and all liability, arising out of or connected in any way with the my child’s participation in this event.