By filling out this form, I understand that a bus funded by the Forest Preserves is not a guarantee. The information here will help the Forest Preserves make a decision to fund a bus for my group. I understand that my application must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to my proposed trip date. If our request is granted, I will ensure that my group will be at 15 people. In the case of a smaller group, I will contact the Forest Preserves staff immediately and inform them of this update. Any cancellation of the scheduled bus must be done by calling Volunteer Resources at 773-631-1790 at least 36 hours in advance.
Once the bus has been approved for my group, the Forest Preserves will make the initial arrangements for the bus and send the confirmation notice. My organization will be responsible for confirming with the bus company the day before the trip to ensure the bus company has all the correct information. I understand that the Forest Preserves of Cook County is not responsible for the bus company nor the bus company employees. My organization will be responsible for any transportation waivers and or/trip forms and for all adult supervision and chaperones for the trip. My organization will report any issues or concerns about the bus or bus company to the Forest Preserves in a timely manner.
As group leader, I will register for our volunteer opportunity at I agree to follow all policies in the FPCC Volunteer Handbook, including completing waivers as required for youth and adult volunteers.