Dog Walking Application
Dog Owner's Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Dog's Name
Dog's Age
How long have you owned your dog?
Where did you acquire your dog ?
(breeder, shelter, rescue, etc.)
Is your dog spayed/neutered?
Any known medical conditions or allergies?
Describe your dog's daily routine, including feeding, exercise, and playtime.
How often and for how long does your dog typically get exercise or outdoor time?
How does your dog behave at home?
(e.g., calm, anxious, active, etc.)
Does your dog exhibit any undesirable behaviors at home?
(e.g., chewing, barking, digging)
How does your dog generally behave around family members and visitors?
Does your dog have any specific preferences for interaction?
(e.g., likes belly rubs, dislikes being picked up)
How does your dog interact with other dogs or pets in the household?
How does your dog behave around other dogs or animals outside of the household?
Has your dog undergone any training, and if so, what type?
How does your dog respond to commands or cues?
(e.g., sit, stay, come)
Does your dog exhibit any fears or phobias?
(e.g., thunderstorms, fireworks)
Does your dog show any signs of aggression?
(towards people, other dogs, or specific situations)
Has your dog ever attempted to or landed a bite on a person? If so, please explain.
If your dog is over-aroused have they ever redirected their frustration towards you?
Has your dog ever gotten into a fight with another dog? If yes, please explain.
Do you take your dog to public dog parks?
How does your dog behave when traveling or in new environments?
What types of tools do you use with your dog?
flat collar
slip lead
prong collar
What motivates your dog?
Does your dog pull on leash?
Does your dog like to chase cats, squirrels, or rabbits?
Does your dog know their name? How do you recall them back to you?
Does your dog have any special needs or preferences you'd like to share?
(e.g., dietary restrictions, favorite toys)
Will anyone else have access to your house during our visit?
What are your expectations from hiring us?
Is there anything else you'd like to add about your dog's behavior, personality, or any specific concerns?
Should be Empty: