I, {parentlegalGuardian}, do hereby give my permission for {childsName}, to go to Puente de Amistad, in Tijuana, Mexico, at 19381 Monte Everest, Loma Dorada, Tijuana, Baja California. I, {parentlegalGuardian} give my lawful permission/consent to {designatedTrip} to travel with {childsName} to go to Puente de Amistad for the listed duration of time: {dateLeaving} through {dateReturning}.
The purpose of this mission trip is to minister at Puente de Amistad. I, {parentlegalGuardian} acknowledge and give my permission to {childsName} to participate in all activities that the team and Puente de Amistad deem appropriate; including but not limited to: ministering to local orphanages, rehabilitation centers, feeding kitchens, Churches, and small building projects in and around Tijuana, Mexico.