1. An application is a commitment to the event and no refunds will be made for cancellations but rain checks may be offered.
2. Under limited circumstances stand-in or proxy exhibitors will be permitted. Only the farmer, artist or crafter accompanying his or her original work may participate, unless otherwise agreed to by the Event Manager.
3. Vendors must exhibit for agreed days as specified above. Artists and crafters are required to man their exhibits during these hours and may stay open later if crowds remain. Mandatory open hours are determined for this event, operations are to take place at the minimum Saturday, May 18th 11:00AM-6:00PM & Sunday, May19th 11:00AM - 4:00PM.
4. Exhibitors bear the responsibility for all set-up needs for their exhibits. 24-hour security will be provided by HarborWalk Village, however, neither they, nor their representatives are responsible for loss or damage of any kind. In the case of a multiple day event, Vendors need to secure their tents and items before leaving for the night.
5. All Vendors must provide their own display booths, racks, lighting, decor, and chairs; and should be prepared for the possibility of inclement weather conditions, such as wind and rain by bringing tent weights, and side walls or enclosures. Vendors are required to utilize a plain white tent topper for all HarborWalk Village events.
6. No space can be shared, but one artist may purchase two spaces. A “multi-person” team producing a single product qualifies as a single exhibitor.
7. Any changes to display products or give away items are subject to approval by HarborWalk Village LLC.
8. No on-site gas-powered generators are allowed. No amplified music permitted.
9. This is a family-oriented event for spectators of all ages, and work exhibited must be in keeping with this atmosphere. The Events Team reserves the right to remove work and vendors that it deems inappropriate.
10. HarborWalk Village LLC. reserves the right to refuse applicants and their products or services that directly and/or indirectly interfere or contend with our existing merchants or sponsors.
11. Failure to follow the above standard set by HarborWalk Village will result in the terimation of any future vendor opportunities for you and your business.