Pre-Money Valuation from Graypes GmbH
The Pre-Money Valuation is a piece of critical information that you as the owner of your startup should be able to provide to Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors.
Moreover, valuing a startup without any existing revenue can be difficult, with a certain degree of subjectivity. The value of a startup, especially at the early stages, cannot be determined using the traditional methods of financial projections and quantitative analysis.
To solve this problem, in Graypes GmbH we have developed a composite set of sophisticated algorithms to come up with a realistic valuation.
With this service, we provide your startup with a Pre-Money Valuation Report in 24 hours, like the one in the following example.
See how simple and intuitive it is to complete your Pre-Money Valuation Document in less than 30 minutes, and get from Graypes GmbH the Pre-Money Valuation Report in less than 24 hours!