Sign Up Form: Crit Club - Thursday, MAR 20th. A-School: Professional Development for Artists
A-School is a space where creatives in the Central Island Region can learn skills and meet other artists to level-up their practice. The program series includes facilitated sessions led by professionals in the arts including working artists, curators, art educators, arts programmers, exhibition designers, arts administrators, grant writers, and more...
Registration Form
Please register below for the upcoming session(s). CV/Arts staff will contact you by email after checkout to confirm additional session details:
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Where are you located in the Central Island Region?
Phone Number
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Phone Number
Artistic Discipline(s)
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What are most interested in learning to level up your creative practice?
A-School Sessions
( X )
Session 5: Crit Club | MAR 20th, 2025
Crit Club is a monthly community gathering where artists can participate in a supportive critique of artwork. Artists may bring a work of art (completed, or in development) and receive feedback from peers. The sessions are facilitated by Scott Bertram and take place in the Conference Room at 580 Duncan Avenue upstairs, unless otherwise noted.
Would you like to present your artwork(s) at Crit Club?
Please Select
Presenter spots are on a first-come, first-served basis.
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