Employment Application
To be considered an employee at Tursi Soccer, we require that all applicants complete this form:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What position are you applying for? Please select any option that you are interested in.
Sales Associate
Order Puller
To be considered for a position at TS you must have a current resume and/or a current LinkedIn account. Email your resume to Leydi Meza to Lmeza@tursissoccer.com.
LinkedIn Account
Employment Questionnaire
To be considered for employment at TS we ask that you fill out 2 questionnaire's. The first for all applicants, the second for the specific position you are applying for. We ask that you are concise, but also thorough in your responses so we get to know more about you.
All Applicant Questionnaire
What do you know about Tursi Soccer?
Why does working in the retail business interest you?
Give a brief history of how you are connected to the world's greatest game.
Position Specific Questionnaire
Only fill out the questions for the position you are applying for.
Sales Associate, Puller, Presser
How well do you pay attention to details? Give an example of how you are detail oriented.
Describe your work rate and quality of work would benefit TS should you become an employee.
Discuss the importance of working as a part of a team. Give an example of how you went out of your way to help a team you have worked with in the past.
Describe the importance of customer service. Give an example of how you went out of your way to ensure you gave a customer great service.
Are you able to be on your feet for 8 hours a day? Employees do get rest and meal breaks based on how long their shift is.
What is your definition of a manager? What would you prioritize as a manager?
How would you describe your management style?
When working with the people in your department, how would you include them in making decisions that impact the performance of the department.
As a manager, we expect that you lead by example. Give 1-2 examples of how you have led by example in other jobs you have had.
Give as example of a tough conversation you have had with an employee to address an issue.
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