Purpose: To provide scholarships to deserving area youth that are in need of financial assistance, are active in supporting the community in which they live and show an eagerness to achieve through knowledge by intending to pursue post-high school course of study at either college/university or trade school.
1. DEADLINE for scholarship applications is Sunday, March 31, 2025, 5:00 p.m. (no exceptions).
2. Refer to criteria below for eligibility requirements.
3. Refer to application process below for a list of the supporting documents needed (i.e., reference forms, evidence of GPA, etc.) Incomplete applications will not be considered.
4. If any question does not apply to you in this application, please put N/A in the space.
5. Type or print legibly. Illegible applications will be returned to you.
6. You will be notified by mail in May regarding the status of your application.
7. If you have any questions about the application, please email phiupsilonques@gmail.com
8. The Phi Upsilon Chapter policy is to provide scholarships for students with a focus on higher academic achievement.
9. Scholarship funds will only be awarded to the student directly with evidence of enrollment and proof of class registration for the Fall semester.