Who has been continuously active for at least two (2) years immediately prior to nomination.Who has served as President, Secretary, or Treasurer of a chapter for at least one (1) year.
Have sufficient training, time, and qualifications. Nominees for Treasurer shall have a working knowledge of QuickBooks or a current financial records program.
Who has regular access to a flash drive, compatible computer, printer and internet access.
Who is not currently serving as Province Chairman.
- Only those members who have served a minimum one (1) year on the National Council and have completed the three-year term on the Board of Trustees shall be eligible for the office of President or Vice President.
Nominee Consideration:
Nominee should be able to have regular access to a computer with internet and computer skills.
Each National Officer has her respective duties to be fulfilled, and an officer must be able to devote a few hours each day or a few days each week to handle her responsibilities
Each officer is expected to make chapter visitations
Serve as an Assigned Officer for 1 Province Convention
Attend Mid-Year Meeting (in February), Pre-Convention & Post-Convention meetings in conjunction with National Convention each year
There are many great members in our sorority who are capable, well qualified and who have the time necessary to be a National Officer. We would like to have at least two (2) or more nominees for each office this year and have their qualifications published for the consideration of the chapters.
......Mekalia Cooper, Chairman - dairyq2010@gmail.com
......Jeanie Stamm
......Ina Collins