Wisdom Builders Teen Policies and Guidelines
All Wisdom Builders policies are in place to ensure the environment is safe and conducive for learning, promote respect and kindness to all, and encourage individuals to glorify the Lord.
"But let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner." (1 Corinthians 14:40)
It is the parent's responsibility to ensure their teens understand these rules and expectations and encourage them to obey them.
"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
"Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right." (Proverbs 20:11)
In other words, even a young person's life and how they live can be a testimony of praise to Jesus.
During a lesson in an assigned room, teens are expected to follow these general guidelines:
• Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
"But if when you do what is right and suffer for it, you patiently endure it; this finds favor with God." (1 Peter 2:20)
• Listen attentively and do not distract others from listening during instruction.
"Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding." (Proverbs 2:2)
• Honor, respect, and obey all tutors, aides, and adult helpers.
"For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God." (Romans 13:1b)
• Be kind to all.
"And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." (Ephesians 4:32)
• Treat peers respectfully (no public display of affection).
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Teens are to use words that edify and build up one another in the Lord and treat each other respectfully. Older children should be a help and an example to the younger children. This guideline applies to days of instruction at Grace Church and Wisdom Builders events off the premises. It sensibly should as well to interpersonal and social media interaction.
"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29)
• Canvas will communicate lesson assignments and tutor communications.
• Parents should monitor their children's Internet communications.
• Any bullying or un-Christlike communication in content could be reasons for dismissal.
• Cheating, plagiarism, and using AI to complete homework assignments are prohibited.
• Any student who is disruptive to courses and learning, is not respectful to tutors, and hinders the learning process and flow of the courses will be withdrawn from the course.
• Any student who violates Wisdom Builders' building use policies will be dismissed from Wisdom Builders.
• Weapons and knives are not allowed at Wisdom Builders or Wisdom Builders events and are reasons for dismissal.
• It is the parent's responsibility to inform the director of mental health issues regarding their children.
Children and teens are at Wisdom Builders to listen and learn. Please leave all temptations and electronic devices at home or in the car. Furthermore, they are rarely needed during a lesson.
"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything." (1 Corinthians 6:12)
• No electronic devices are to be brought to or used at Wisdom Builders.
o No phone calls, texting, social media, movies, music, etc.
o No cell phones, iPhones, iPods, MP3 players, CD players, hand-held games, etc.
o No earbuds, headphones, AirPods, etc.
• The same guidelines apply to children sitting with their parents at Grace Church and children of volunteers, aides, and tutors on the premises of Grace Church. (This does not apply to official use by Wisdom Builders tutors and staff.)
• Wisdom Builders reserves the right to remove any electronic devices/headphones from a young person if discovered. Leave the electronic devices/headphones at home.
• No unsupervised internet access is allowed at Wisdom Builders.
• Tutors may require students to place their cell phones in a "Cell Phone Lot" upon entering the classroom. Students may pick up their cell phone from the "Cell Phone Lot" upon exiting the classroom. The student must immediately put their phone away in their backpack or purse upon retrieval of their cell phone.
• The consequences of not following the electronics guidelines are as such:
o If a phone, headphones, or other device is out in the open on Wisdom Builders days and functions without permission, the cell phone/headphones/other devices will be taken from the teen and kept by Mrs. Rollins or an assistant until the end of the day. The parents will be called.
o If a second offense occurs, the teen will not be approved to bring a device to Wisdom Builders days and events until the following semester. Parents will be notified if this happens, as well.
o Abuse of the cell phone policy is grounds for dismissal from Wisdom Builders.
• Exceptions are as follows:
o Computer courses will require laptop use.
o With prior approval, teens may use laptops during class for assignments.
o With prior approval, special-needs children or young people with learning difficulties may use laptops, etc.
o Laptop computers are to be used only for educational purposes and only with a tutor's supervision.
Parents should know when to pick up their children, so cell phone use for student pick-up is unnecessary.
• The administrative staff (Great 8) have cell phones that children can use if needed, as do most tutors and WB assistants.
• Contact Mrs. Rollins if you believe an exception is needed. Moreover, Wisdom Builders assistants are on hand daily and may be called if you need to reach your teen immediately.
• Even if a young person obtains permission from Mrs. Rollins to bring a phone to Wisdom Builders, it should be kept in a backpack or purse. If that individual needs to use their cell phone, permission from Mrs. Rollins or a Wisdom Builders assistant or tutor must be obtained before retrieving it.
The church requires that all children, including teens, always be under adult supervision while in the church building and on church grounds.
The church requires all children, including teens, to wear a visible name badge for identification in the church building and on church grounds.
• Hallways. There is no running in the halls of the church, and conversations are to be with quiet voices out of respect for the church staff, tutors, and those engaged in lessons. Individuals are to be especially quiet when passing in the hallways from class to class. Parents waiting outside rooms to pick up their children are also asked to keep conversations quiet and keep small children with them to avoid disturbing others.
• Church Facilities. Individuals are to help to take care of the church building and equipment. Please remember that we meet in a church and must honor the Lord with our behavior, actions, and words. This is especially true when a course or program is held in the auditorium, where the Word of God is preached.
o No one is to use church equipment and property without the director's approval.
o Only water is allowed in the classrooms, except with permission when tutors hold a group party.
o Everyone should be out of Grace Church by 3:35 PM unless you are taking a class that meets later.
o No shoes with wheels are allowed in the church building.
- STUDY HALL GUIDELINES A study hall costs the same as a course fee. At most, 2 study halls per day are allowed per individual (for a total of 2 hours).
- Electronics or laptops are allowed in study hall for educational purposes only with the study hall tutor’s approval and supervision.
• Teens are to bring textbooks, reading books, paper, and pencils to do their work in study halls.
• If it comes to our attention that a student isn't using a study hall appropriately, they will have their study hall in Mrs. Rollins' room.
At lunch, teens are encouraged to engage in conversation with their peers. Electronic devices/headphones are not permitted.
• Seats may not be saved, and no one is to be turned away from joining a table.
• Designated tables will be available for teens, who may sit together for lunch.
• After eating, everyone is to help clean up all trash and prepare for their next course.
• No one should leave the lunchroom without the lunchroom supervisor's permission.
Teen Helpers: Teen aides and volunteers will be given a designated nametag to wear while aiding or volunteering.
Bathroom Breaks: Young people can use the restroom at lunch and after PE instruction. If needed, they may ask a tutor for permission to use the bathroom during a course. It will be at the tutor's discretion whether to allow a teen to walk to and from the restroom alone or to send an aide with the teen.
Tardiness: Teens are to be on time for class. Habitual tardiness will result in consequences determined by Mrs. Rollins.
Teen Drivers: Parents and Teens must complete the online Wisdom Builders Teen Driver Form. Teen drivers must obtain permission to drive to and from Wisdom Builders without a parent. Teens are not allowed to leave the campus for lunch. A parent may designate whether the teen may transport siblings on this form. Safety and responsibility are expected. Teens are to park in designated teen parking spaces.
The dress code is one of appropriateness and neatness, and the Biblical one of modesty. Pleasing our Lord is the guide concerning a dress code.
"Your adornment must not be merely external . . . let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God." 1 Peter 2:3-4
Wisdom Builders meets in a church, and we want to honor the Lord with our behavior and dress. In general, it is preferred that teens wear comfortable jeans or pants and a loosely fitted t-shirt on Wisdom Builders days and at Wisdom Builders events.
Parents, please ensure your children follow the dress code before bringing them to Wisdom Builders. Individuals should refrain from wearing items such as the following:
• Attire that is tight, ripped or torn, sheer, or features un-Christlike messages or images
• Tops that are low-necked, revealing cleavage (especially when bending over)
• Tops with spaghetti straps or are strapless
• Tops short enough to reveal waist and midriff
• Pants with drooping or low waist
• Skin-tight skinny jeans, leggings, or legging-type pants, even if worn with a long shirt
o Exception: Leggings may be worn with dresses within 2 inches of the knee or longer.
• Shorts that do not reach the tops of the knees
• Visible undergarments (upper or lower, including straps)
• Skirts or dresses that do not reach the tops of knees
• Athletic shorts that do not reach the top of the knees
Neatness in grooming is expected.
-Please avoid extreme fads regarding hair (mohawks, tails, man buns, strangely colored hair, etc.). The eyes should be clearly and easily seen. Moreover, please have the boys' hair off the collar.
-Tattoos, multiple piercings (including more than two ear piercings), or piercings of the eyebrows, nose, mouth area, belly button, and so forth are not allowed.
-Boys are asked not to wear earrings, fingernail polish, or makeup (drama productions excluded) at Wisdom Builders or Wisdom Builders events.
Consequences of disregarding dress code.
The director or tutor will inform the young person and parents if an individual's dress or grooming is inappropriate.
• Parents will be called to bring a change of clothing for their child.
• The young person will not be permitted to attend courses and must remain with the Great 8 until the parent arrives with a change of clothing. While waiting, the student will be given an oversized shirt to wear.
• If a teen continually elects not to follow the dress code, this will be cause for dismissal.
The consequences for not obeying the preceding policies are as follows:
• If a young person damages church property, another's personal property, or the property of others, takes another person's private property without permission, or takes church property without permission at Wisdom Builders-sanctioned events at other locations (museums, field trip destinations, schools, etc.), the family will be required to pay for the damages and could be grounds for dismissal from Wisdom Builders.
• If the director or tutors realize that an individual is persistently disobedient, disrespectful, distracting in a course, habitually tardy to class, rebellious, or un-Christlike in speech and behavior, then that person will not be allowed to continue in Wisdom Builders.
o This would only happen after repeated attempts to work with the young person or if that person has enacted so great an offense that he is asked to leave afterward.
o No tuition or other costs will be refunded in this situation.
o The director will determine the dismissal of an individual.
• All tutors and aides will be informed of young people exhibiting persistent behavior problems and those who have enacted great offenses to pray for those individuals and assist with correction.
These policies are for all Wisdom Builders instruction days, inside and outside of the Grace Church building, and in the parking lot, at all Wisdom Builders-sponsored functions at Grace Church, such as the ice-cream social, closing programs, or workshops; and at Wisdom Builders events at other locations, including field trips, drama productions, and other activities. In other words, Wisdom Builders policies apply at any routine or special event sponsored by Wisdom Builders, regardless of location and without exception.
Proverbs 20:11, "Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right."
Teen Expectations/Information
All Wisdom Builders policies are in place to ensure the environment is safe and conducive for learning, promote respect and kindness to all, and encourage individuals to glorify the Lord. The section below summarizes the Teen Policies, Guidelines, and Information pages. Teens and parents are responsible for understanding and adhering to these guidelines.
1. Honor, respect, and obey all tutors, aides, and adult helpers. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. Listen attentively and do not distract others from listening during instruction.
2. Peer-to-peer behavior: Teens are to use words that edify and treat each other respectfully and kindly. Older youth should be an example to younger children.
3. Electronics and headphones: Leave electronic devices and headphones at home.
4. Phones: If you bring a phone to Wisdom Builders, it must be placed in the "Cell Phone Lot" in each classroom upon entering and will be returned upon leaving the classroom. Upon retrieving your cell phone, it should be placed in your backpack or purse. If you want to use your phone, you must ask Mrs. Rollins or the Great 8 for permission before bringing it out of your backpack or purse.
5. Church Property: Teens cannot use any of the church's property without the director's approval.
6. Dismissal: Everyone must leave Grace Church by 3:35 PM unless you have a class that is in session.
7. Lunchroom: Seats may not be saved, and no one is to be turned away from joining a table. Youth are to assist in clean up after lunch. No one should leave the lunchroom without the lunchroom supervisor's permission.
8. Only WATER is allowed in classrooms.
9. Bathroom Breaks: Youth may use the restroom at lunch and after gym class. You may ask a tutor for permission during a course if needed. It will be at the tutor's discretion to allow a teen to walk to and from the restroom alone or send an aide with a youth.
10. Dress: Dress appropriately, neatly, and modestly. In warm weather, shorts (including athletic shorts) are allowed and should be at the top of the knees. No spaghetti straps, strapless, or short tops that do not cover the waist and midriff are permitted. Nothing too tight, low necked (no cleavage should be showing, especially when bending over), sheer, and has un-Christlike messages or images are allowed to be worn to Wisdom Builders classes or any Wisdom Builders events. Also, there should be no leggings except with a dress, no tattoos, multiple piercings, hair fads, etc. Follow the detailed dress code found in the policy pages.
11. Driving: Youth must have a Wisdom Builders Teen Driver Form if driving to and from Wisdom Builders. Teen drivers may only transport siblings listed on the Teen Driver Form. Student drivers are to park in designated Teen Driver parking areas.
12. Assignments and tutor communications will be made through Canvas. Parents need to monitor their children's internet communication. Be sure online communications are Christ-like in content.
13. No cheating, plagiarism, or use of AI to complete homework assignments is allowed.
14. Weapons and knives are not allowed.
15. It is the parent's responsibility to inform the director of mental health issues regarding their child.
16. All policies are valid for all Wisdom Builders events, courses, field trips, etc.
See 3.2 Behavior Remediation for consequences for not obeying the behavior policies.