UCON PAC Contribution Form
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
We will sponsor the UCON PAC at the following level:
$9,000 – Industry Trailblazer - All Industry Champion sponsor level recognition, plus 2 tickets to both PAC fundraiser events— Southern CA (April 4 in Orange) and Northern CA (May 30 in Alamo); a 1/4-page ad in UCON Magazine; special Trailblazer Sponsor gifts presented at the events.
$6,000 – Industry Champion - All Industry Leader sponsor level recognition, plus Business card ad in UCON Magazine; special Champion Sponsor gift presented at the event.
$3,000 – Industry Leader - All Industry Advocate sponsor level recognition plus your company logo on UCON Advocacy webpage, special Leader Sponsor gift presented at the event.
$1,000 – Industry Advocate - 2 tickets to the Southern or Northern CA PAC event (select which event when registering), signage recognition at event, and logo placed in UCON Magazine, highlighting PAC event sponsors, special Advocate Sponsor gift presented at the event.
I will attend:
Please Select
April 4 - Orange Hill Restaurant, Orange
May 30 - Alamo, CA Home of UCON CEO
We cannot attend the event but wish to contribute
April 4 - Attendee Name
April 4 - Guest Name
May 30 - Attendee Name
May 30 - Guest Name
Contribution Information:
Check will be mailed to: 17 Crow Canyon Court, Suite 100, San Ramon, CA 94583
Check will be delivered at the event
I will pay online - after submitting the form, you will be automatically redirected to our online payment site
Should be Empty: