By choosing to enroll a student at Discovery High School, parents are providing their child with an exciting, enriching educational opportunity. Registration of a student indicates that parents or guardians have accepted the responsibility to provide the guidance, encouragement and home environment to foster the best possible learning situation. Discovery High School expects the family to comply with the requirements of the school. Please read the following expectations carefully.
1. My child is expected to attend school every day, to arrive promptly and to remain throughout the scheduled hours. I agree to schedule medical appointments outside school hours. There will be no checkouts during the last hour of the school day. On the day the student returns from an absence he or she must bring a note from his/her parent / doctor explaining the reason for the absence. Excessive tardiness, checkouts and/or unexcused absences may result in my child being placed on attendance probation at Discovery High School.
2. I understand that my child is subject to the laws, rules, regulations and policies of the State Board of Education and Discovery High School any time they are being transported to or from school, when they are attending school and when they are on school property or participating in a school sponsored event.
3. I understand that as a parent or guardian I must be supportive of my child and his/her school. I also understand that I am required to attend parent conferences, school meetings and other activities sponsored by the school.
4. My child is expected to adhere to the dress code and discipline policy. My child will take responsibility for his/her own behavior and will seek adult assistance when necessary. I understand that it is my responsibility as a parent to reinforce school expectations and communicate any concerns with school staff. Failure to follow school expectations may result in my child being placed on behavioral probation.
5. I understand that my child is participating in a rigorous academic program and will maintain continuous academic progress and desirable work habits. Failure to maintain academic requirements may result in being placed on probation at Discovery High School.
6. I understand that my child could be placed on attendance, behavior or academic probation for not meeting expectations of Discovery High School. If my child is placed on probation, my presence as a parent or guardian is mandatory at a scheduled intervention conference to help develop strategies that address the issue.
7. If a recommendation is made to dismiss my child, I understand that I may appeal this recommendation according to the governing board’s approved Appeal Procedures Guidelines. Dismissal will preclude my child from priority status if reapplying.
8. Cell phones are not to be on or used during class or transitions. Other electronic devices such as iPods, cd players & portable gaming systems are not allowed on campus.
9. I understand that it is my responsibility as a parent/guardian to provide current emergency contact information throughout the school year.
10. Dismissal from Discovery High School could result if my child commits a Serious Breach of Conduct.