Veterinarian Referral Form
For veterinarians referring their client to Dr. Kyla Boas for a behavior consultation, please fill out the form below. Medical records can be emailed to The Behavior Program will contact your client directly to schedule. After your client's initial appointment and any future recheck appointments, we will send a copy of the discharge discussion to your clinic. Please note that it may take 48-72 hours for our staff to contact the owner to schedule an appointment.
Referring clinic's name:
Referring veterinarian's name:
Phone number of referring veterinary clinic:
Please enter a valid phone number.
Email address of referring veterinary clinic:
Name of client:
Client's phone number:
Please enter a valid phone number.
Client's email address:
Name of patient:
Patient species:
Patient age:
Patient breed:
Patient sex:
Intact female
Spayed female
Intact male
Neutered male
Chief complaint and/or diagnosis:
History and physical exam findings:
Treatments (previous and current):
For medications, please list names, doses, and frequency.
Current medications (behavior and non-behavior):
Please list names, doses, and frequency.
Additional requests or comments:
Should be Empty: