By signing this document, I acknowledge that Canine Blueprint Training has determined that my dog(s) may be aggressive or is aggressive. The company has fully explained that, since the outcome of any training/counseling program cannot be guaranteed and aggressive behavior on the part of my dog(s) is or may become a risk to people and/or dogs, my decision to enroll in a training program is made solely and completely at my discretion. I take 100% responsibility for any damage my dog(s) might cause to anybody during or after the training program. Canine Blueprint Training does not promise to solve or curtail my dog’s aggressive behavior. I further agree to take all possible safety measures recommended by my trainer, including but not limited to muzzling and leashing my dog(s) when around other dogs and/or people.
Canine Blueprint Training will strive to create a safe environment for the training and boarding care of the identified dog(s), ensuring the safety of all dogs in our facility, our employees and students, and the general public. The owner acknowledges that animals may exhibit unpredictable behaviors, and Canine Blueprint Training is not liable for actions beyond its control. The owner also understands that recommendations for any product or service by Canine Blueprint Training do not guarantee performance or owner satisfaction.
In the event of property damage, bites, or injuries caused by the dog during or after this Agreement, the client agrees to pay all resulting losses and damages and to defend and indemnify Trainer, kennel staff, and persons on site from any resulting claims, demands, lawsuits, losses, costs, or expenses, including attorney fees.
If the dog is injured during or after this Agreement, the client assumes the risk, and Trainer will not be held liable for resulting injuries, losses, damages, costs, or expenses.
Canine Blueprint Training does not guarantee the resolution of the dog’s aggressive behavior. The owner further agrees to implement all recommended safety measures by the trainer, including but not limited to separating, leashing, and muzzling the dog(s) when around other dogs and/or people. The owner commits to following the recommended activity and training plans for the highest likelihood of success after program completion and agrees to cover any damages and medical costs resulting from injuries.
Once an agreed-upon date is set, the owner of the dog(s) may postpone pick-up or drop-off, provided twenty-four-hour notice is given to Canine Blueprint Training. A late fee of $10 will be applied if the owner is late by 30 minutes or more based on the verbal or written time provided for drop-off/pick-up. Canine Blueprint Training is only obligated to hold the boarding spot for one day due to owner postponements. After the first postponement, each additional owner postponement will be billed as a day of boarding ($45/day).
The owner understands and agrees that failure to give Canine Blueprint Training twenty-four-hour notice of a cancellation will result in the full amount owed by the owner to Canine Blueprint Training for the boarding program. All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. Agreed program costs shall be paid in full without a refund, regardless of the program outcome, except at the sole discretion of Canine Blueprint Training Inc.
You understand and agree that I have no obligation to provide service in any specific location or territory, nor to continue providing it once I have begun. I reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to service if, in my discretion, your conduct towards me or any animal in my care is inappropriate, unsafe, dishonest, or in breach of these terms, or if necessary, in my discretion to protect Canine Blueprint Training, its clients, pets, or the public. Threats, harassment, and/or abuse will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate end of services. Full payment is non-negotiable.