Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor of the 2024 ABS V.I.C.E. Night!
The theme for our Very Important Charity Event is “Under the Sea” and our success depends on sponsorships from supporters like you!
Fort Bragg is one of the largest military installations in the world and home to approximately 53,700 military personnel. The Association of Bragg Spouses is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) charitable organization that is dedicated to bettering the quality of life of military families and the surrounding Fort Bragg community.
While membership revenue covers a majority of our club expenses, additional funding is appreciated to defray administrative costs and event expenses, thereby allowing us to give more back to our community through the ABS Scholarship and Welfare Grant Program.
Sponsorships which extend beyond our operating costs for the fiscal year will be used as part of the ABS Scholarship and Welfare Fund.