URSU AGM- Annual General Meeting 2023-24
The URSU Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be February 1st, 2024 at 12pm. If you are a registered, student union fee-paying student at the University of Regina and its Federated Colleges and Satellite Campuses (except those in ESL classes) then you are an URSU member and we want to hear from you!
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Student ID
U of R Webmail
Are you registered for Winter 2024?
Please Select
Select your campus
U of R main campus
U of R College Avenue
First Nations University Regain campus
First Nations University Saskatoon campus ...
First Nations University Prince Albert campus
Important Notes
This meeting is setting fully
for the students who are registered in Regina campuses.
Zoom link will be provided for the student of
Prince Albert
Use your U of R Webmail to log in to Zoom.
Please email
for help or accommodation requests.
The zoom link will be send to the registered email address one days prior to the meeting.
I agree to all the terms and conditions.
Should be Empty: