In consideration of the provision of MLC, the student acknowledges and agrees to the following:
I acknowledge that the recording of lectures is an accommodation provided to me due to a documented disability.
I have provided Student Access Services with appropriate supporting documentation of disability, which supports the multimedia lecture capture accommodation.
I acknowledge that audio recording is a separate accommodation, which must be discussed with SAS and with my professors.
I agree that I will discuss the MLC process with the professor of the course when I present my accommodation letter to them.
I agree that attendance is required to maintain access to the MLC. Multimedia lecture capture does not replace classroom attendance.
I agree that I will use MLC ONLY for my studies and notetaking in the course. I WILL NOT share, copy, lend, sell, post, or otherwise distribute MLC to anyone, including classmates, other students, or the general public.
I agree that multimedia lecture capture may not be used in any way against the faculty member, other lecturers, or students whose classroom comments are taped as part of the class activity.