HCP uses a "Remind App" to contact each person through their cell phone for all communication before the school year begins and throughout the school year. This is also how you will be able to communicate with the teacher. There is no direct phone number or email to reach the preschool teacher. Remind App is used for communicating all emergencies, such as unanticipated school closings, if the teacher has a special project planned, a special guest speaker is visiting, or needs to provide timely notifications regarding an issue, the App will be used.
In order to sign up for "Remind App" in the sprouts class- send text @sprouts242 to 81080. To sign up for the Pre-K class text 81010 to @prekhcp2.
You will recieve confimation that your child is in the class through the Remind App once payment is recieved. If you do not complete payment to secure spot in class or choose to no longer participate in Hanover Church Preschool program you will be removed from Remind App.