About the Race Endorsement Program
The New England 65 Plus Runners Club Race Endorsement Program Goal: To identify and support in-person races that promote the club’s mission of encouraging older runners to participate in running and walking events.
To be eligible for endorsement the following are minimum requirements:
- Agree to have 5-year Age Groups for 65 through at least 90 plus.
- Add “Endorsed by the New England 65 Plus Runners Club” logo on your race website with a link back to ne65plus.org.
Please select if this is a New Endorsement or a Renewal Endorsement below.
*For Renewal Endorsements: Select Renewal Endorsement below and select your Race Name from the drop-down menu. Your information from last year's application will automatically be filled in. Please review, update the race date and information, add any new features, and click submit when done.