Sponsors, please read the following statement carefully and give it prayerful consideration:
Emmaus is a method of Christian renewal in the Church. The individual recommended for Emmaus must be currently active in a local church and have a desire to deepen his/her faith to become closer to Christ in his/her discipleship. As a Sponsor, you are required to provide information to assist the applicant in the decision to attend a weekend; to provide transportation to and from the Emmaus weekend; to help the applicant enter into the Emmaus fellowship after the weekend; to provide prayer support, and to assist the applicant in any other ways.
If you agree to this commitment, complete the following information and submit it. In addition to the applicant's non-refundable $50 application fee, please remit $250 to cover the cost of the applicant's weekend to:
Richmond Emmaus, Attn: Registrar; P.O. Box 1717, Midlothian, VA 23113
Or pay online at https://richmondemmaus.com/give