We are committed to conducting classes and events that are safe and enjoyable for everyone.
It is a condition of your participation in any Air Born Cheerleading (ABC) class or event that you read carefully and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement to ensure that our classes and events can run smoothly, now and in the future.
Read this Agreement Carefully and Sign Below:
In consideration of the student named on this form being permitted to participate in any ABC class or event, I, the undersigned Athlete (or parent or legal guardian if the Athlete is under 18 years of age), hereby agree to participate/grant permission for my son/daughter to participate in any ABC class or event on the Terms and Conditions set out in this form and the Air Born Cheerleading Terms and Conditions relevant to the program you are enrolling in. These can be found at the link below:
I acknowledge and agree that:
I/my son/daughter warrants to ABC that for each class or event the Athlete is fit and capable of participating and the Athlete will not unnecessarily put themselves at risk by participating in any class or event where the Athlete is not fit or well enough to do so;
In each event by participating at an ABC class or events there is a possibility of physical illness, injury (minimal, serious, and catastrophic) and that I/my son/daughter is assuming the risk of such illness or injury occurring by participating in any such class or event;
ABC, its agents, contractors any person representing has my full authority and is directed to consent to and to authorise any medical attention, treatment, surgery or administration of drugs by qualified and licensed medical personnel for myself/my son/daughter, which they deem necessary;
ABC will use its best endeavours to contact me and to keep me informed in the event of any illness or injury occurring that requires medical treatment as soon as is practicable; and
I will meet all costs and expenses incurred by ABC or by myself in the administration of any medical treatment to me/my son/daughter during an ABCclass or event.
I hereby release ABC, including its directors, contractors, agents, sponsors, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demand, losses, suits, liabilities, costs, or other damages arising from any injury to, or death of myself/my son/daughter, or any other persons or damage to or destruction of property arising out of or in connection with my/my son/daughter's participation and I also indemnify ABC against any loss, damage or claim they might suffer as a result of any of those things.
I have also thoroughly read and understood Air Born Cheerleading’s Information Pack, Terms & Conditions including but not limited to Fee, Attendance, Competitions, Behaviour, Attire, Photography & Video Policies. By signing below, I agree to all terms in this online form and the Air Born Cheerleading Information Pack, Terms & Conditions.
By signing this agreement you agree to having us or our agents photograph and film you/your son/daughter participating in our classes or events.
Parents/Guardians are permitted to use digital cameras to take photographs of their own children only. No telephoto lens are permitted.
We reserve the right to use and you grant us the right to use any photos or video footage from the class or event in publications, social media, web-advertising and promotions, including without limitation the right to use the image of the Athlete in doing so.
If you do not wish to have their images used in publications, social media, web-advertising and promotions you must notify us, in writing.
Each Athlete agrees to strictly comply with the ABC rules, available in our Terms & Conditions document.
Without limitation, smoking, consumption of alcohol and use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited at all ABC classes, events & facility (including car park).
The Athlete agrees to abide with the ABC Athletes Code of Behaviour, available within our Terms & Conditions. The Code of Behaviour includes a reservation of rights by ABC to discipline any Athlete for unruly breaches of the Code of Behaviour.