Save 15% off MSRP on all serialized Shindaiwa Units and Multi-Tool Attachments during the sales event. Dealer rebate is 7.5% of MSRP per qualified claim. Advertising will consist of direct mail postcards to exisiting customers and select prospective customers and Facebook event boost 2 weeks prior to event.
- Shindaiwa-only dealers are allowed up to two SFW events (one in spring, one in fall).
- Dual-brand dealers are allowed one SFW event (spring or fall) if they host a ODSE as well.
Enter your sales event dates below only if you are certain of the dates.
- Dealers hosting a spring event need to provide their event date 6 weeks prior to the event date or by March 31, 2025 - whichever is sooner.
- Dealers hosting a fall event need to provide their event date 6 weeks prior to the event date or by August 31, 2025 - whichever is sooner.
Note: Dealers who change their SFW date within five weeks of the event will incur an automatic $250 cancelletion fee which will be invoiced on dealer's Open Account with Net 30-day terms.