The BOK Financial & Big Brothers Big Sisters Colorado Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who has been matched for at least one year in any BBBSC Program. Awards are given annually to seniors who have demonstrated a commitment to developing a strong mentoring relationship, collaborating to overcome challenges, and are working to pursue an achievable post- secondary plan after high school. The amount of the one-time award is $1,200.
Scholarship Criteria:
1. Demonstrate a commitment to developing a strong mentoring relationship, collaborating to overcome challenges, and working together to create a post-secondary plan.
2. Demonstrate increased knowledge of non-cognitive skills (social capital, resilience, perseverance, growth mindset, etc.), and college knowledge (college applications, financial aid, resumes, etc.).
3. On track to graduate High School by the end of the current school year.
4. Participate in a mentor program with BBBSC program for at least one year.
5. Demonstrate consistent attendance at mentor sessions and events, as applicable based on program structure.