Application 2024-25
Family Information
Parent/Guardian 1 Name (Primary Homeschooling Parent)
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian 1 Email
Parent/Guardian 1 Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Parent/Guardian 1 Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Parent/Guardian 1 Occupation
Parent/Guardian 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Email
Parent/Guardian 2 Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Parent/Guardian 2 Address (if different from above)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Parent/Guardian 2 Occupation
Describe your family faith background.
Child 1 Information
Child 1 Name
First Name
Last Name
Child 1 Date of Birth
Child 1 Gender
Child 1 Current Grade
Previous schools attended (if any):
Please list grade levels and reason for leaving.
Has your child had any cognitive or behavioral testing completed? If so, please upload a copy of the report(s) at the end of the application.
Testing is planned
What are your child's interests, passions, and hobbies? Are there any specific topics or experiences that pique their interest?
What are your child's challenges and struggles?
What type of learning environment do you think your child needs to thrive?
Does your child prefer to work in a group or independently?
Giftedness, creativity, and talent manifest in many ways, as discussed on our website and during our information meetings. Have you observed these characteristics in your child? If so, in what ways?
Gifted, creative, talented, and twice-exceptional learners often have asynchronous development. Have you observed this in your child? If so, in what ways?
Is your child a fluent reader? If so, at what age did he/she learn to read? If not, how would you describe your child's reading development currently?
What motivates your child?
Has your child ever been physically or verbally aggressive with another child or teacher in a school setting? If so, please describe the situation and when it occurred.
Child 2 Information
Please scroll down and click "next" if not applicable. If applicable, all fields are required.
Child 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Child 2 Date of Birth
Child 2 Gender
Child 2 Current Grade
Previous schools attended (if any):
Please list grade levels and reason for leaving.
Has your child had any cognitive or behavioral testing completed? If so, please upload a copy of the report(s) at the end of the application.
Testing is planned
What are your child's interests, passions, and hobbies? Are there any specific topics or experiences that pique their interest?
What are your child's challenges and struggles?
What type of learning environment do you think your child needs to thrive?
Does your child prefer to work in a group or independently?
Giftedness, creativity, and talent manifest in many ways, as discussed on our website and during our information meetings. Have you observed these characteristics in your child? If so, in what ways?
Gifted, creative, talented, and twice-exceptional learners often have asynchronous development. Have you observed this in your child? If so, in what ways?
Is your child a fluent reader? If so, at what age did he/she learn to read? If not, how would you describe your child's reading development currently?
What motivates your child?
Has your child ever been physically or verbally aggressive with another child or teacher in a school setting? If so, please describe the situation and when it occurred.
Child 3 Information
Please scroll down and click "next" if not applicable.
Child 3 Name
First Name
Last Name
Child 3 Date of Birth
Child 3 Gender
Child 3 Current Grade
Previous schools attended (if any):
Please list grade levels and reason for leaving.
Has your child had any cognitive or behavioral testing completed? If so, please upload a copy of the report(s) at the end of the application.
Testing is planned
What are your child's interests, passions, and hobbies? Are there any specific topics or experiences that pique their interest?
What are your child's challenges and struggles?
What type of learning environment do you think your child needs to thrive?
Does your child prefer to work in a group or independently?
Giftedness, creativity, and talent manifest in many ways, as discussed on our website and during our information meetings. Have you observed these characteristics in your child? If so, in what ways?
Gifted, creative, talented, and twice-exceptional learners often have asynchronous development. Have you observed this in your child? If so, in what ways?
Is your child a fluent reader? If so, at what age did he/she learn to read? If not, how would you describe your child's reading development currently?
What motivates your child?
Has your child ever been physically or verbally aggressive with another child or teacher in a school setting? If so, please describe the situation and when it occurred.
Child 4 Information
Please scroll down and click "next" if not applicable.
Child 4 Name
First Name
Last Name
Child 4 Date of Birth
Child 4 Gender
Child 4 Current Grade
Previous schools attended (if any):
Please list grade levels and reason for leaving.
Has your child had any cognitive or behavioral testing completed? If so, please upload a copy of the report(s) at the end of the application.
Testing is planned
What are your child's interests, passions, and hobbies? Are there any specific topics or experiences that pique their interest?
What are your child's challenges and struggles?
What type of learning environment do you think your child needs to thrive?
Giftedness, creativity, and talent manifest in many ways, as discussed on our website and during our information meetings. Have you observed these characteristics in your child? If so, in what ways?
Gifted, creative, talented, and twice-exceptional learners often have asynchronous development. Have you observed this in your child? If so, in what ways?
Is your child a fluent reader? If so, at what age did he/she learn to read? If not, how would you describe your child's reading development currently?
What motivates your child?
Has your child ever been physically or verbally aggressive with another child or teacher in a school setting? If so, please describe the situation and when it occurred.
If you have additional children (5 or more), please enter their information below.
Educational Philosophy and Community
One of the pillars of our program is the development of a strong community. Tell us about yourself! What are your and your spouse/partner's interests and passions? What do you like to do as a family?
What led you to homeschooling?
Why do you wish to enroll your child at Scholé Center for Innovative Education? How does our vision align with your needs?
What are your expectations of Scholé Center for Innovative Education? What do you hope your child will learn and experience through our program?
Program Policies
The Scholé Center for Innovative Education is a homeschool enrichment program, not a private school. Families must register their child as a homeschooler with their county and follow all applicable laws and requirements. Please indicate your agreement to this policy.
Participation in our program is an agreement to partner with Scholé Center for Innovative Education in your student's learning. Families agree to provide at-home instruction in language arts and math, and to supervise and ensure completion of at-home work assigned to supplement in-class instruction. Failure to do so is grounds for dismissal from the program. Please indicate your agreement to this policy.
Participation in Field Trip Friday is strongly encouraged as experiential learning is foundational to our program. The primary homeschooling parent will be placed on a rotation to serve as a chaperone for Field Trip Friday and will be responsible for securing an approved substitute if they are unable to fulfill their obligation for a particular date (similar to a co-op model). The primary homeschooling parent (and any parent/adult serving as a chaperone) must participate in a mandatory background check. Please indicate your agreement to this policy.
The Scholé Center for Innovative Education is a Christian nonprofit organization. While we are inspired by our faith to share a love of learning, truth, goodness, and beauty, we do not offer specific theological or Biblical education. As a program rooted in the tradition of Classical education, references to Christian scripture, virtues, and morality are incorporated within our curriculum. Participants and parents’ behavior must be consistent with a traditional understanding of Christian values and morality. Please indicate your agreement to this policy.
Enrollment is for the entire school year. Our financial contract states that, should a family choose to withdraw their student mid-semester, the entire semester's tuition is still due in order to maintain the sustainability of our school and provide the best education for our learners. Please indicate your agreement to this policy.
Forms and Signature
Supporting Documents: please upload any supporting documentation that will give us a clearer picture of your child's learning and their educational needs, if applicable. Examples include cognitive or behavioral testing reports, IEP/504 plans, standardized testing results, etc.
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Reference forms are required for each student applicant. Forms should be completed by a teacher or other unrelated adult that knows the child well (ideally in an educational setting). Forms are available on our admissions page. Please list the name and email address of each reference below.
I hereby certify that all information submitted in this application is true and accurate.
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