Greetings! This application is for residents of Union County, NC.
For the school year August 2025 - June 2026, eligible children have a birthday between 9/1/2020 and 8/31/2021.
1. Required documents - You must provide all required documents. A list is below.
2. Frequently asked questions to see if this is the right program for your family.
NC Pre-Kindergarten is a high-quality program designed to strengthen children's skills the year before Kindergarten. Alliance for Children is the contractor for Union County, and NC Pre-K is funded by the NC Department of Health and Human Services.
Regular, on-time attendance is expected to allow teachers to support your child's pre-literacy, math, fine and gross motor, and social skills.
Upload these documents at the end of this application.
- A Copy of the Child’s Birth Certificate or Passport
- TWO copies of Proof of Residency documents with a parent name and the current Union County, NC residence address
(Examples: recent utility bill, car or home insurance card, driver’s license or registration, lease or mortgage statement)
- Proof of household income
Options: For each working parent/step-parent in the home:
- upload a month of consecutive recent check stubs
OR If same job for all of 2024, provide a 2024 W-2 or 2024 tax return. Include documents for: alimony, SSA, SSDI, child support, disability, unemployment for mom and dad/stepmom/stepdad.
OR If new job, provide a dated job offer letter from employer with employee's name and the business/employer's phone number.
OR provide a copy of child’s current valid Medicaid benefits card OR a copy of family’s current Food and Nutrition services letter, OR a current housing assistance letter
If legal guardian, custodian, or foster parent provide legal/DSS documents (Foster parents will provide a DSS letter in lieu of income.)