Brandon Budget Tax Estimator
FY26 Town Budget Proposal to be voted March 4, 2025
Enter ONE FIGURE in the first box below. DO NOT PRESS RETURN OR ENTER. Just scroll down to see the Estimator's results based on the Assessed Value you enter. This form does not have a Submit function and no response is recorded.
Your Home's Assessed Value (from your tax bill) in WHOLE DOLLARS
Do not enter your Zillow estimate or estimated market value. Your property taxes are calculated from its Assessed Value, not its market value. You will find this on your tax bill. If you do not know your Assessed Value, you may go to this page of the town website, put in your address or name, and select your property. Then choose "NEMRC Online Property Card". Your Assessed Value generally appears to the right of the word Total and above a picture of your house.
Bottom Line Up Front
The portion of your property tax attributable to the Town
FY25 (current year) Town Tax (INCLUDES town operating budget plus local agreement rate and selectboard-requested paving appropriation article approved by voters; EXCLUDES fire district, all other voted appropriations [articles requested by social service providers], and school / education tax).
FY26 (proposed) Town Tax (INCLUDES town operating budget plus local agreement rate and selectboard-requested capital fund appropriation article; EXCLUDES fire district, all other voted appropriations [articles requested by social service providers], and school / education tax).
YEAR: Increase to Town tax for FY26
MONTH: Per-month increase to Town tax for FY26
Year-Over-Year and Department-by-Department
The results below break down your estimated property tax contribution, net of each department's non-tax revenue, to Town services for the current budget year (FY25) and compares it to the proposed budget year (FY26).
Portion of your FY25 tax to support POLICE
Portion of your FY26 tax to support POLICE
Portion of your FY25 tax to support HIGHWAY
Portion of your FY26 tax to support HIGHWAY
Portion of your FY25 tax to support ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE
Portion of your FY26 tax to support ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE
Portion of your FY25 tax to support BUILDINGS & GROUNDS
Portion of your FY26 tax to support BUILDINGS & GROUNDS
Portion of your FY25 tax to support CLERK'S OFFICE
Portion of your FY26 tax to support CLERK'S OFFICE
Portion of your FY25 tax to support DEBT SERVICE
Portion of your FY26 tax to support DEBT SERVICE
Portion of your FY25 tax to support INTERGOVERNMENTAL ASSESSMENTS
Portion of your FY26 tax to support INTERGOVERNMENTAL ASSESSMENTS
Portion of your FY25 tax to support RECREATION
Portion of your FY26 tax to support RECREATION
Portion of your FY25 tax to support ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Portion of your FY26 tax to support ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Portion of your FY25 tax to support CODE ENFORCEMENT
Portion of your FY26 tax to support CODE ENFORCEMENT
Portion of your FY25 tax to support ASSESSING
Portion of your FY26 tax to support ASSESSING
Thank You!
We hope you have found this Estimator a useful way to consider the Town budget proposal. If you have any questions, please reach out to a selectboard member or to the town clerk or town management team.
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