ST. HELEN LIFE TEEN “R & R” - Receive and Remain
Sacred Heart Chapel, Center for Pastoral Leadership
Mass, Pizza & Night Prayer
January 25, February 22, April 25
Meet in the St. Helen parking lot 6:00pm. Approximate return time 9:45pm
If we cannot be reached in case of emergency, please call:
Consent Form and Liability WaiverI, as the parent or legal guardian of First Name Last Name do hereby grant permission for my child to participate in the St. Helen Parishes Receive and Remain trip. I acknowledge that the aforesaid participant will be involved in physical activities that may cause injury and that there may be risks foreseen and unforeseen. I agree by .my signature to release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless St. Helen Parish, Newbury, Ohio, their employees and agents; The Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland; The Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland their successors, and assigns from any and all liability for injury, medical fees, hospital bills, or doctor bills of aforesaid participant as well as all debts, claims, demands, costs, expenses, damages, actions, and causes of actions -- I waive all claims of any kind against those mentioned.
Authorization for Medical Treatment
I, as parent or legal guardian of First Name do hereby give my consent for St. Helen Parish Staff and the chaperones, or other adult representative, in the event that all reasonable attempts to contact me have been unsuccessful, to seek medical attention and treatment deemed necessary by medical personnel. I give my permission to transfer my child to the nearest hospital.
Our healthcare insurance carrier is provider. This authorization does not cover major surgery, unless the medical opinion of two other licensed physicians concur on the necessity for such surgery and are obtained before surgery is performed.
Photo Release - St. Helen Church
I/We, the parent(s) of the above, give my/our permission to St. Helen Parish, Newbury, Ohio to publish my/our child's photo only (no name) in publications/media forms listed below exclusively for the purpose of St. Helen Parish and its parishioners. Slideshows, Parish Bulletin, Parish Website, Narthex TV, etc.
Photo Release - St. Helen ChurchI/We, the parent(s) of First Name Last Name , give my/our permission to St. Helen Parish, Newbury, Ohio to publish my/our child's photo only (no name) in publications/media forms listed below exclusively for the purpose of St. Helen Parish and its parishioners. Slideshows, Parish Bulletin, Parish Website, Narthex TV, etc.