Scholarship Applied for (eg. Warinner):
Date of Birth: High School: Expected Graduation Date:
Institutions that are considered eligible are accredited four-year college degree programs, accredited post-graduate degree programs, accredited community college programs, accredited junior college programs or programs in accredited career education schools. Upon award, the recipient will be required to provide an information form which will include their chosen institution of higher learning and their student identification number. List the Educational Institutions you have appled to and the Estimated Tuition and Expenses.blanks
1st Choice: blanks field. Estimated Tuition: blank
2nd Choice: blanks field. Estimated Tuition: blank
3rd Choice: blanks field. Estimated Tuition: blank
Each applicant is required to provide two (2) Recommendation Forms: one (1) from a current member of Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church and one (1) from a teacher who has observed the applicant's academic performance. Up to two (2) additional Recommendation Forms will be accepted, but are not required. (See separate Recommendation Form).The Recommendation Form must be filled out separately and submitted OR mailed separately to TPC Scholarship Funds Committee, Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church, 7000 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA 23226 by the person filling it out OR emailed to APPLICATION DUE DATE: February 28, 2025 in order for the applicant to be considered for the Fall 2025 term. This form will be emailed to the TPC Scholarship Committee upon completion. If you have any trouble, you can mail the application to TPC Scholarship Funds Committee, Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church, 7000 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA 23226, or email it to (There is a Word doc also on the website.)
The information provided in this application is my own work product and is accurate to the best of my knowledge.blank
****Attach a copy of your most recent transcript.****Answer one (1) of the following prompts with an essay of 300 words or less.
Additional Optional Statement: Include any personal comments or other pertinent information that the Scholarship Committee should consider (use a separate sheet if necessary.
List your high school activities, including what grade you were in while you participated (9, 10, 11, 12). If you have all this information prepared in another format (such as a resume), you may submit it instead.