Hold Harmless and Waiver:
I, the named above, agree and acknowledge that I am participating in the Red Dot Self Defense class ("activity") on my own accord. I give this acknowledgment freely and knowingly and I represent and warrant that I am physically and mentally fit and able to participate, and I do hereby assume responsibility for my own well being.
I am participating in the Activity with the full knowledge that there are risks associated with the use of firearms and being in proximity of their use. By participating in the Activity, I may be exposed to certain dangers, risks or hazards, including (but not limited to) damage to property and serious physical or emotional injury, including partial or total disability, dismemberment, paralysis or death. Possible known and unknown injuries may include, but are not limited to, being injured in any manner by myself or others, shooting others, partial or total loss of eyesight or hearing, inhalation or other harmful contact with lead or contaminants, being struck by flying or falling debris, projectiles, or ricochets and possible equipment failure and/or malfunction of my own or others’ equipment.
I agree to assume the full risk, including risk which is not specifically foreseeable, of any injuries, including death, damages or loss, regardless of severity, which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with the Activity. I agree to adhere to the policies and guidelines of the host range.
I agree to adhere to the instructions of instructors and staff, and agree to be responsible for my own safety during my participation in those activities. In consideration of the right to participate in the Activity, I on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns hereby waive any and all rights or claims I may have as a result of participation in the Activity against Red Dot Self Defense and all individuals assisting in instructing and conducting these activities, and I hereby fully release and discharge them from any and all claims resulting from any personal or emotional injuries, including partial or total disability, dismemberment, paralysis, death, damages or loss, which may accrue to me or my heirs arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in the Activity.
I further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Red Dot Self Defense and all individuals assisting in instructing and conducting these activities, from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages, or loss, which may accrue to me or my heirs arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in the Activity.
I affirm that I am of the age of consent. I freely sign this Release and Waiver of Liability and certify that I have read and understood its content fully. I am aware that by signing I release my rights and enter into a legally binding contract with Red Dot Self Defense.