Course Evaluation Form
OAOS 2024 Annual Orthopaedic Conference
First Name
Last Name
Did you perceive any COMMERCIALISM in any presentation or by any presenter?
*If you answered yes, please explain below:
* Did you perceive any BIAS in any presentation or by any presenter?
*If you answered yes, please explain below:
click here
to see the full list of course titles, speakers and objectives.
Did the following presentations meet the learning objectives?
Did not attend
Prosthetic Joint Infection, Gerald Aggrey, MD
Surgical Timing in Poly Trauma Patients, Dane Brodke, MD
The Hip Bone is Connected to the Spleen?, Mackenzie Cook, MD
Young Femoral Neck Fractures: what’s new and what’s controversial?, Graham DeKeyser, MD
Distal Femur Multicenter Prospective RCTs In Process: DIFFIR & DISIDE, Graham DeKeyser, MD
Bone Health and Osteoporosis, Joann Deutsche, NP
Getting “Hip” to Inpatient Zoledronic Acid – Fragility Fracture Treatment During Hip Fracture Admission, Katie Drago, MD
Age Friendly Health Systems: A Framework for High Value Care for Older Adults, Katie Drago, MD
Complex Elbow Injuries, Daniel Fitzpatrick, MD
Pre-Operative Evaluation of the Hospitalized Patient, A. Shams Helminski, MD
The American Joint Replacement Registry; The Past, Current and Future, Ryland Kagan, MD
Spinopelvic Trauma, Jonathan Kark, MD
PT after Orthopaedic Trauma: When, Where, and How, Jonathan Kirsch, PT, DPT
Commonly Missed or Mistreated Pediatric Fractures, Heather Kong, MD
Immunologic Precision Typing At-Risk Fractures to Predict Nonunion, Kelly Leguineche, MS, PhD Candidate
Successfully Recruiting diversity into Orthopaedics, Elizabeth Lieberman, MD, Andrea Herzka, MD and Sudeep Taksali, MD
Doctor, Why am I Still in Pain? Persistent Dysfunction After Ankle Injury, Natalie Mesnier, MD
Wireless Sensors in Orthopaedic Care, Keat Ghee Ong, PhD
Distal Radius Fractures: Treatment Tips & Tricks, Robert Orfaly, MD
Upper Extremity Fracture Case Presentations, Robert Orfaly, MD
Management of the Spine and Extremity Injured Patient, Travis Philipp, MD
Challenges to Survive Your Weekend of Call, Daniel Sheeran, MD
Non-Operative Management of Hip Fractures: Palliative Approaches and Indications for Non-Surgical Treatment, Sudeep Taksali,MD
Palliative Care and Non-op Compassionate Indications, Sudeep Taksali, MD
2024 AAOS Update, Paul Tornetta III, MD, PhD
Intertrochanteric Fracture Update, Paul Tornetta III, MD, PhD
Periprosthetic Distal Femur Fractures, Paul Tornetta III, MD, PhD
Physician Burnout Listening Tour ‘24: Smell the Toast!, Ron Turker, MD
Pediatric Ortho Trauma: An Owners Manual, Ron Turker, MD
Pediatric Trauma: When should things be sent up the chain?, Anna van der Horst, MD
Periprosthetic Distal Femur Fractures: Is anything too distal to nail?, Noelle Van Rysselberghe, MD
What can a non-peds Ortho surgeon do?—Supracondylar Humerus, Brandon Wilkinson, MD
Leveraging Implantable Strain Sensors to Improve Femoral Fracture Healing, Kylie Williams, PhD Candidate
Pelvic Fracture Triage and Management, Zachary Working, MD
Geriatric Pelvic/Acetabulum Trauma Management, Zachary Working, MD
Transfer Etiquette, Kimberly Workman, MD
When to Refer: Sub-Specialist Perspective/Preference, Natalie Zusman, MD
What did you learn from this meeting? Please list 2-5 changes you anticipate making in your practice as a result of this conference.
Please provide detailed comments about the topics or speakers. Our speakers really appreciate the feedback!
In what practice areas could you use additional training in to practice more effectively?
The program content was:
Just Right
Too Basic
Too Advanced
How much of the content was new to you?
Almost All
About 75%
About 50%
About 25%
Almost None
MEETING & VENUE - Please rate the following:
Hotel Accommodations
Eugene Meeting Location
Cost of Lodging
Registration Fee
Food and Beverage
Venue - lighting, temperature, seating
TopGolf Reception
Knight Campus Tour
Ability to connect with colleagues
Ability to connect with faculty
Our 2025 conference will be held in the Portland area. Any venue suggestions?
Would you recommend this meeting to colleagues?
Comments on the overall conference:
2025 Needs Assessment - Please Suggest Topics/Speakers for 2025:
I certify that I attended the following number of hours (Friday maximum CME is 6, Saturday maximum CME is 4.5 for a maximum total of 10.5):
Should be Empty: