Exhibitor Agreement Guidelines:
- By completing this form, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed below.
- The exhibitor fee of $25 is non-refundable.
- Please send your payment by e-transfer to buy@eslcooperative.ca, or make a cheque payable to Cooperative ESL Ministries and mail it to:
Cooperative ESL Ministries
14026 Township Road 264
Rocky View County, AB
T4B 3L5
*CESLM reserves the right to refuse promotional materials from any individual, group, or organization that conflicts with the mission and vision of CESLM. This decision is at the discretion of the CESLM Board of Directors. CESLM also reserves the right to make changes to these policies at any time.
Agency Contract:
This contract is between CESLM and the individual, group or organization listed above for a promotional slide to be displayed during our event. (Timing of promos during the event to be decided by CESLM)
Please email your slide to marketing@eslcooperative.ca at least two weeks before the event.