1. S-class Members (Members) will not commercialise Directors Club for financial gain or the gain of third parties, including employers.
2. Members understand that Directors Club is not a business development network, it is only a professional network for the purpose of personal networking, learning and knowledge-share.
3. Members will each have only one Directors Club membership persona. The use of aliases is forbidden.
4. Members must not pretend or infer they are employed by Directors Club or have any form of ownership of Directors Club.
5. Members must not offer services or make other offers under the name of Directors Club.
6. Members understand that the term Directors Club is a UK registered trademark and cannot be used by any third party.
7. Members must immediately surrender their membership if they are declared bankrupt.
8. Members must immediately surrender their membership after 12-months of continuous unemployment.
9. Members must immediately surrender their membership upon retirement.
10. Members must not defame Directors Club for any reason via any communication channel, including social media.
11. Members can use the term "Directors Club" only in reference to their membership of Directors Club. Permission must be sort in writing for any other use of the trademark.
12. Members can request to terminate their membership by email at any time.
13. Members will be invited to all Directors Club events/meetings that are deemed relevant to their job titles and employer organisation. Members may not be invited to some events if there is a perceived conflict with the sponsor.
14. All Directors Club events are limited capacity and places allocated on a first come basis.
15. Members who book places at events/meetings and do not show-up may have their membership terminated.
16. Members who through their behaviour or actions harm in any way the Directors Club brand will have their membership terminated.
17. Members opt into direct communication from Directors Club regarding club business.
18. Members must accept being listed as a member of Directors Club, including a link to their professional profile page on Linkedin.
19. Members must keep their Linkedin.com profile up-to-date and inform Directors Club via email with regard to changes of employer and or business email address.
20. Members who break the above could have their membership terminated without notice or appeal.
21. No discussion will be entered into in the event of membership termination.