Section 3- Student Code of Conduct
It applies to use of the AICSE’s resources, networks, education and support services, whilst in class, undertaking on-line activities, vocational placement activities, traineeships, apprenticeships, or any other academic activity associated with the organisation.
Students are expected to, at all times:
- Act in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Comply with all Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation and regulatory requirements.
- Read and comply with the organisation’s policies and procedures.
Meet all course requirements to the best of their abilities relevant to the education and training are undertaken with the AICSE, which includes regular attendance and engagement in learning, academic activities, and meeting the course assessment timelines.
- Treat all staff and students with courtesy, respect, and dignity.
Avoid interfering, or disrupting any training, teaching, learning, assessment, or any other academic activity of the AICSE.
- Use all learning and support resources and facilities, including IT resources in a manner that does not impede learning or the learning of other students.
Conduct themselves in a professional manner whilst undertaking a vocational placement or other forms of industry-related training and assessment activities.
- Ensure that the AICSE’s reputation is not adversely affected.
Comply with all reasonable directions given by the AICSE’s staff and trainers/assessors.