Chapel Choir One on Ones
Each year, everyone in Chapel Choir signs up for a quick 10 minute conversation with John. This isn't an interview or test; it's a chance to share about yourself and what makes you tick. There's nothing you need to prepare. This year, you'll meet John in his office which is through the door just next to the entrance to the choir room. Be a few minutes early, please. Others will be waiting in the lobby, too.
Things We Might Talk About
There are lots of things we might discuss, but if you want to start thinking now: What is your greatest accomplishment these last 12 months? Describe your perfect day. What makes you the angriest? What would your friends say is your most annoying habit? What's the most important thing you've learned from your parents that would surprise them? What do you like most about your personality? If you could go back one year, what spiritual advice would you give to yourself?
Your Information
Tell us about yourself.
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone Number:
Area Code
Phone Number
Your Personal Email
Your Parent's Email (pick the one you want to know about this meeting)
Sign Up for One on One
Since I understand that blowing off this meeting or cancelling at the last minute wouldn't be very considerate, I've told my parents when this meeting is and they're going to remind me.
Please Select
I'm super considerate, and my parents are going to help me remember.
Should be Empty: