2023-24 DI Service Learning Projects
Tell us about your team's Service Learning project so we can showcase the great work you're doing! 🙌
What is your team name?
Which DI Affiliate are you with?
How many years has your team participated in DI?
Tell us about your team's Service Learning project.
What inspired you to take on your project?
In taking on this project initiative, what have you learned so far?
What new skills have you learned or improved on this season?
What do you enjoy most about participating in Destination Imagination?
If you could say something to your readers, what would it be? In other words, why is the initiative so important and what can readers do to help out?
Submit at least one image of your team. (2-4 photos is preferable.) If possible, submit a couple of photos of your team working on your project or Challenge solution.
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