In Person Competition Instructions:
You are required to appear in person between 10am-5:00pm on April 6th, 2024 at the Syracuse Polish Home Banquet Hall on 915 Park Avenue in Syracuse, New York.
Failure to appear in person will cause a disqualfication.
You may arrive at anytime to register and appear before the judges.
There will be no exhibition on stage. Each competitor will be judged individually as they arrive at the judges tent and not in groups on the stage before a audience. We believe this will be more efficient and also eliminate bias, and give judges time to more accurately score the facial hair and give competitors a better experience. However, it will be completly different that what most people are used to in a beard contest.
Awards will be given during a banquet held at night on April 6th, 2024 during an "Oscar" like ceremony.
Competitors have free entry to the hall during the banquet, but banquet tickets are sold seperately at the door and can not be bought in advance. Freinds & Family will have to pay a admission fee to hall for viewing the awards or for banquet seating. These tickets are sold only at the door and not in advance. Reservations however can be made to reserve a table by contacting All money collected will be donated to the Syracuse Polish Community Foundation Inc. non-profit and be used toward refurbishing the historic Syracuse Brunswick Bowling lanes.
You must be present at the awards ceremony from 6:30-8:00pm to receive your award. If you are not present at the ceremony, the trophy will be awarded to the next highest scoring competitor.
Online Competition Instructions:
You have until 5:00am eastern standard time on March 30th to submit your photo to the contest.
To submit your photo, please email them to
Online Competition will be judged by a seperate panel of judges who will be remote, and not present at the competition.
Online winners will be annouced by April 12, 2023 on
If you selected to enter this competition, on April 7, 2023 your photos will be posted to the page. Competitors are incouraged to share their post and the winner will be determined by whomever earsnthe most cumaltive likes, comments, and shares at the conclusion of the peoples choice contest on April 12, 2023.