Sick Policy: If my child is sick or not feeling well, I will keep them home FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS after symptoms have disappeared, WITHOUT the use of medication. If I have to give my child medicine to feel better, I will not bring them to school but will keep them home until there are no more symptoms and my child feels better without the use of medication. If my child becomes sick at school I will take them home immediately and will keep them home for at least 24 hours after symptoms have disappeared. Click here to read complete ILLNESS GUIDELINES.
Withdrawals: I understand that my child's space is guaranteed for the full academic year from August 2024-May, 2025. Any withdrawals must be made in writing through email or the EMP app, giving us a 2 week notice. There will not be any credits or refunds given for absences on school days.
Snack & Water: I confirm I will bring a snack and a spill proof cup of water to class each day.
Potty Time: I confirm that I am responsible for all toileting needs or diaper changes of my child and will excuse myself from the class to clean up in the bathroom or room 114.
Behavior Policy: I confirm that I am responsible for all behavioral issues of my child. If biting occurs, Estrella Mountain Preschool reserves the right to terminate enrollment. If the behavior is disruptive to the class, I will take my child outside to manage the behavior.
Additional: Tuition is due for each week regardless of sickness, vacations, doctor appointments, etc. No refunds for missed classes.