I ACKNOWLEDGE AND ASSUME ALL THE RISKS OF VOLUNTEERING IN THE EVENT. I understand that my volunteering in the Event may involve a risk of physical injury to me or others, damage to mine or other’s property, or other consequences. These consequences might result from the actions, inactions, or negligence of myself, and/or my child, and/or others, or from various conditions of the premises, the equipment used in the Event, and/or the weather. There may also be other risks not known or not reasonably foreseeable, including, but not limited to: falls; dangers of collisions with athletes, vehicles, pedestrians, other participants, spectators, volunteers, or fixed objects; dangers arising from surface hazards, equipment failure, or inadequate safety equipment; and hazards that may be posed by spectators or volunteers. I further acknowledge that these risks include risks that may be the result of negligent acts, omissions, and/or carelessness of the Released Parties, as defined below. I understand I will be volunteering for the Event at my and/or their own risk and I agree to assume all the risks incidental to volunteering in the Event including, without limitation, (a) THE RISK OF EXPOSURE TO COMMUNICABLE DISEASE(S), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO COVID-19, WHICH INHERENTLY EXISTS IN ANY PLACE WHERE PEOPLE ARE PRESENT, INCLUDING BEFORE, DURING, AND/OR AFTER THE EVENT AND ACTIVITIES and (b) the risk that my mental, physical or emotional condition, whether disclosed or undisclosed, known or unknown, combined with assisting with these activities could result in injury, damage, death or other loss. Operator cannot anticipate or eliminate risks or complications posed by a participant’s and/or volunteer’s mental, physical (including fitness level) or emotional condition. I acknowledge that I am acting only as a volunteer and not as an employee of Operator, and there is no expectation to receive any type of compensation from Operator or any of the Released Parties. I understand that Operator reserves the right, in its sole and complete discretion, to deny any person from volunteering at the Event.
By submiting the form you agree to the above mentioned waiver.