Acceptable Use of Network, Internet, and Device Policies
By signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to all the terms as outlined in the technology section of the CACS Student Handbook regarding the acceptable use of the school’s network, use of internet, and care of school owned devices.
Student Agreement
As a learner, I agree that I will:
● Use my device for educational purposes at home and at school.
● Follow the procedures and policies outlined in the technology section of the student handbook
● Protect my device by carrying it securely in a carrying case, at all times, and preventing careless or malicious damage.
● Never leave my device unattended in an unsecure or unsupervised location.
● Charge my device’s battery to full capacity each night.
● Report all damages to or issues with my laptop to the IT personnel.
● Not alter or attempt to change, disable, or circumvent the management settings, content filters, or virus protection software on my device.
● Never share my device with other students or individuals.
I understand that any violation of this agreement may result in the suspension or loss of my Chromebook and school network privileges. Additionally, I may face disciplinary action for such violations up to and including suspension.
Parent Agreement
I understand that my responsibilities include:
● Ensuring my child meets the expectations outlined in the technology section of the Student Handbook.
● Protecting the device, within reason, against damage, loss or theft while it is at home or outside of school.
● Ensuring my child immediately reports damage to the school IT personnel. In consideration of the privileges and opportunities afforded by the use of CACS technology resources, I hereby release the CACS, its employees and directors, from any and all claims of any nature arising from my child’s use or inability to use these resources, including but not limited to claims that may arise from unauthorized use of a device.
I also understand that the Clearfield Alliance Christian School has security measures in place to protect and restrict access to controversial materials while online at home or school and I will not hold the school responsible for materials accessed with a school laptop.
I accept full responsibility for my child’s use of the device while not in a school setting and understand that my child’s Chromebook use is subject to the same rules and requirements when used off-campus. I understand that my child’s device privileges may be suspended or revoked for violation of this agreement. I also understand that my child may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension for such violations.
Accidental Cost and Repairs
There is no fee for students to receive and utilize their Chromebook. Students will be responsible to care for their machine. For incidents that are not due to manufacturer error, fees may be applied.
If the student accidently breaks the laptop and it needs repaired, there will be no fee the first time unless there is evidence of intentional abuse and/or misuse. If the repair or replacement of the laptop is found intentional and/or misused then the parent is responsible for the total cost of repair not to exceed $300.00 dollars. Examples of laptop accidental repairs are keyboards, LCD screens, charger and/or cord, or power port on laptop.
If the student accidently breaks the laptop a second time and so forth then the parent and/or guardian is responsible for the cost of repair. If administrators find that the student is repeating the misuse and/or abuse of the Chromebook, then it may be determined that the student will not possess their assigned Chromebook and a loaner which will be in the classroom can be used. The classroom loaner is not to leave the classroom. The accidental cost and repair listed above does not provide coverage for the loss of the device and/or its accessories. If the device or accessories are lost, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to pay for the cost of replacement not to exceed $300.00. All Chromebooks and accessories are property of CACS, and therefore, all repairs must be done by the CACS approved technician. No repairs are permitted by third party vendors.
Signing this form signifies that you have communicated the student policy to your student(s).
(Typing your name below serves as a signature)
Parent/Guardian Signature
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