GCA Short-Term Mission Covenant
GCA believes that God is calling short-term missionary teams to bring the fruit of the gospel for the good of theworld. (John 15:16) GCA believes the following elements are crucial to the effectiveness, quality, and safety of ashort-term mission trip. As a member of a short-term mission team, I will agree to:
1) Remember that I am representing Jesus Christ as well as GCA. I will model Jesus in my behavior and attitude.
2) Remember that I am a guest working at my hosts' invitation. I will respect their ministry methods,realizing that ministry in other parts of the world may look different than what I am used to.
3) Commit to being a group of individuals who unite as one in purpose, striving to accomplish thesame goal of glorifying Christ and increasing His church. (1 Corinthians 12:1-31).
4) Develop and maintain a servant’s attitude toward all nationals and my teammates.
5) Commit to resolving all inter-team conflicts according to biblical principles as laid out in Matthew18:15-20. In all conflict issues, I will maintain a humble spirit of confidentially while seeking toaffirm one another in love (Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6).
6) Respect my team leader and his or her decisions. In situations of team concerns, the team leaderwill be the team guide.
7) Refrain from complaining or criticizing attitude towards nationals, team leaders, and myteammates. I will strive to be creative, accommodating, and supportive in all situations to promotea positive team environment without judgment.
8) Respond without defensiveness when corrected, believing the other team members have my bestinterests and the team's interests in mind. (Proverbs 27:5-6)
9) Refrain from gossip. (Ephesians 4:29)
10) I will strive (with God’s help) to be an imitator of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1), not causing a brotherto stumble (1 Corinthians 8:9-13), and acting in a manner appropriate to the host culture, doing allfor the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
11) Refrain from illegal drugs and abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the use oftobacco while on the trip.
12) Refrain from the use of inappropriate or obscene language. (Ephesians 5:4, Colossians 3:8, 4:6)
13) If I am attracted to a teammate, I will not attempt to pursue a relationship until after we return home.
14) Refrain from any activity that could be constructed as a romantic interest toward a national. I realize that certain activities that seem innocent in our own culture may seem inappropriate toothers.
15) Attend all team meetings before, during, and after the trip. Team meetings are crucial foraccomplishing the trip's objectives and creating unity among the team.
16) Commit to personal quiet times by being faithful in my daily time with God. Growing individually isessential to growing as a team.
17) Commit to daily prayer, every day up to and including our time in the field, for the individuals on our team, our global partners we will serve with, and the national church.
Participant Agreement:
I agree with the GCA STM Covenant (above)
I wholeheartedly submit to the team leadership and will follow their direction and instructions.
I will, Lord willing, attend all training sessions and complete all training requirements.
I confirm that I have the time and energy to devote to the pre-, mid-, and post-trip responsibilities.
I am willing to work under the direction of missionaries and national pastors to accept and perform all assignments cheerfully and with a God-honoring attitude.
I will be flexible in my deportment, adjusting my demeanor, posture, and manner as needed.
I will agree to return home at my own expense if the team leader determines that my behavior is/ has been inappropriate.