Assistance for dog houses/cat shelters
Dog house(s), cat shelters, etc. for your own animals or strays you care for
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Shipping Address (in case your order needs to be ordered and shipped to you)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Are you a resident of Marion County, AL AND does the animal needing the shelter reside at your address?
Is your total household income less than $40,000 annually?
List the type of animal and number of each animal that you need a shelter for. ( For dogs, we have to know the est. weight of each one in order to get them an appropriate shelter. (example: 2 dogs (40-50 lbs each), 2 cats)
We cannot fill requests that do not answer all of the items in this question.
If we provide you with a dog or cat house, do you agree that you will use it as long as you have the above referenced pet?
Please Select
Yes, I Agree
No, I do not agree
Do you agree that if you no longer have a pet in need of the shelter we've provided you will return it to us OR donate it to another pet owner in need that can use it for their pet.
Please Select
Should be Empty: