I understand that as a Nannup Flower & Garden Festival (NFGF) volunteer, I am a representative of the Festival and agree to conduct myself in a friendly and professional manner at all times. I also understand that the effective and professional running of the NFGF Festival relies on the work of volunteers, and therefore I will endeavour to be punctual and reliable in relation to the times I have agreed to volunteer. I agree to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Should I not be able to fulfil my commitments as scheduled, I will endeavour to give the Volunteer Coordinator as much notice as possible to allow for my shift coverage. I understand that all volunteer work at the Festival will be carried out in a safe work environment. Should a hazard arise, I undertake to refer the risk to the Volunteer Coordinator. Where required,I will also use protective equipment to minimize risk to myself, other volunteers & the NFGF. During my scheduled shifts I understand that I am covered by NFGF Volunteer Insurance for all volunteer work, on the conditionI 'sign-in' and "sign-out' of the workplace on each shift. I agree to provide a valid Working with Children Check, if rostered to work with children. Prior to the commencement of the Festival, I also agree to attend a volunteer briefing session held by the Volunteer Coordinator.
I declare that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms of the Nannup Flower & Garden Festival Volunteer Agreement and will strive to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability. I also agree to have fun & enjoy my volunteering experience!