The purpose of this award is to give recognition to driver and traffic safety education teachers who exemplify the highest standards of their profession; and who, through their influence past and present, on the lives of the young people under their direction have made significant contributions to their school and communities traffic safety.
The candidate shall be an active certified driver education teacher who is recognized in their community as an integral part of the total education program. The candidate shall conduct an exemplary safety education program making full use of school and community resources. Specifically, they must have outstanding achievements in two areas: 1) The candidate must have made significant impact on the lives of students. 2) The candidate must have used safety education as a catalyst to achieve some demonstrable progress in the social and cultural environment of the school and/or community.
Any driver and traffic safety education teacher who meets the criteria as outlined above may apply personally for this award or be nominated by a colleague. Nominations must be completed by February 15th, prior to the conference. The Teacher of the Year Award is sponsored by the North Dakota Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (NDDTSEA). Each year the NDDTSEA recognizes one of its members whose contributions to driver education has exceeded and gone beyond that which is generally accepted as being part of his/her responsibility. The award is intended to recognize the individual's commitment and contributions through their influence past and present, on the lives of the young people under their direction and have made significant contributions to their school and communities in the realm of traffic safety. Nominations are voted upon by the Executive Committee. If a committee member is nominated for the award, he/she may either abstain from the selection process or be replaced by another member of NDDTSEA.
Agreement of Understanding
Please Select
Yes, I understand the Nomination Purpose, Criteria, and Rules
Nominee Information
Name of Nominee
First Name
Last Name
Nominee's School Name
Nominee's Years of Service (if known)
Nominee's Educational Background
School and Degree
Nominee's School/Community Involvement
Any Leadership Roles and Years
Nominee's Professional Affiliations
Any Organizations and Years
Nominee's Awards/Honors Received
Name and Year received
Qualifications - What has the nominee done to better/upgrade the program of driver and traffic safety education in their school ands community?
Nominator's Information
Nominator's Name
First Name
Last Name
Nominator's Email
Nominator's Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please share any final comments about the Nominee
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