2024 Spring MEETING
Registration Form
We are in PERSON! See you there!
Meeting date: April 19-20, 2023Hosted by University of Kentucky, Lexington
Dr. Yosra Helmy
Department of Veterinary Science
Lexington, KY
(In east KY so times are in Eastern Time Zone)
Please Register by April 1.
Submit your abstractAbstracts should include a title and the headings: Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions, and should be limited to 300 words. Paste as "text" below.
All presenters must submit an abstract.
(If you are NOT presenting click next below.)
General registrationThe registration for this meeting is $25 for all attendees.
Thank you!
• If you are not a branch member please add branch membership to your Annual ASM membership - http://asm.org/membership .
• Meeting registration fees $25 per attendee, please pay by selecting the appropriate payment method below.
Please click one of the PayPal options to complete payment and submit the form.