Business GAP Analysis
Welcome to the Business GAP Analysis. This is a chance for you to do an initial analysis of the nine elements I've identified as being critical for small business success. Your answers will help you prioritise the areas that need attention in your business. When you submit it, you'll receive a summary of your responses for your reference, an assessment of your rating against a "best possible" score and a recommendation of first actions to improve results.
How happy are you with your Business Plan?
1. Business Plan? What Business Plan?
2. We have one, but it's out of date or incomplete.
3. I think we could benefit from a more planned approach to the business.
4. Business is going well - we would like to do even better!
5. Business is brilliant - getting great results - all under control!
Do you have clear, well-communicated KPIs and Goals/Targets for yourself and/or your Team?
1. We're so busy "doing" that we haven't stopped to set goals or targets.
2. We have an idea of where we're headed and how we're going to get there.
3. I'd give us a pass-mark - there's room for improvement!
4. We have goals and targets but they might not be crystal clear or well-communicated.
5. Yes! We have clear KPIs & Goals/Targets and a plan to achieve them.
Are there checklists and flow-charts for all of the processes and tasks required to run the business?
1. No need - I'm a sole-practitioner, so I do it all.
2. There are some draft checklists for regularly repeated tasks.
3. Some of our key processes and tasks have been captured.
4. We are working towards developing processes for all the tasks that we need to do.
5. We have a full operation manual, which covers all elements of the business. It's easily accessible by all team members.
How clear and effective are your communications with customers, partners and team members?
1. We tell them what they need to know when they need to know it.
2. Communication sometimes gets lost in the rush to get everything done.
3. It depends on the situation - sometimes it's great; sometimes it could be better.
4. Our communication with all stakeholders is important to us and we're working on improving it.
5. Crystal clear and highly effective. We get great feedback from everyone about our communication.
Do you track Productivity & Effectiveness and have mechanisms in place to manage & improve these elements of your business?
1. We just get on with the job at hand and the outcome looks after itself.
2. We occasionally measure output, but have no system for making adjustments other than working harder
3. Both our productivity and effectiveness have peaks and troughs - some good times & some not-so-good.
4. Some more concentration in this area could help us get more consistent results.
5. We have a variety of measures that we use to track and maximise our Productivity & Effectiveness.
Are you skilled at delegating appropriately, to the right person, in a way that sets the team member up for success and increases their skill level, while giving you the confidence that the job will be done right?
1. I struggle to let things go, then if they don't do it right, I find myself taking the task back.
2. It's easier when the team member is competent - not so easy when they are learning.
3. Sometimes I'm good at this; sometimes I fail!
4. I need a more systematic approach to passing on tasks and skills, so I can do it more consistently.
5. This is one of our strengths - passing on tasks and skills is key to our success.
Do you have clear Job Descriptions for all roles in the business, including tasks & responsibilities as well as the attitudes & behaviours you require from your team members?
1. No - people work it out as they learn on the job.
2. Not really - some of our team members have written lists of tasks.
3. We have traditional job descriptions for most jobs - they cover the tasks & responsibilities, but nothing else.
4. We have started the process of creating multi-faceted Job Descriptions, to help our team members perform at their best.
5. We have extensive Job Descriptions for all roles - current and potential future.
When you bring people into the business, both employees and contractors, do you have a process that takes them from application & recruitment, to their first day and setting them up for success?
1. If they can do the job, we get them in and get them going as quickly as possible
2. We rely on "gut feel" and past experiences, which seems to work out ok most of the time.
3. This varies according to how busy we are and how desperately we need the extra pair of hands.
4. We have some of these steps in place - some improvements could have a positive impact on staff retention and results.
5. Absolutely - we are very clear about the importance of all these steps and work through a consistent process for every new team member.
To maximise the performance of your team, do you have a system for Performance Management, Performance Appraisal and Conflict Resolution?
1. No - we don't have systems for this kind of stuff. If someone is underperforming, we put up with it or fire them.
2. If a team member is not doing their job well, we'll have a conversation and see if we can work through a solution.
3. We tend to have an annual Performance Review, but not always & not very formal, and it is sometimes linked to salary increases.
4. Performance issues and conflict are managed as they arise. We don't have a system for it.
5. We have a very effective system for measuring & managing performance, we have regular conversations about it and a process for dealing with conflicts if/when they happen.
Business Name:
Type of business?
Business Owner:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Business Website URL
Should be Empty: