ALLLM Member Survey
How many years have you been in your current position?
How many years have you worked in lifelong learning?
Which of the following best describes your lifelong learning work context? Please select all that apply.
Theological school
Faith-based nonprofit
Parachurch organization
Retreat/Conference center
Independent contractor
What are the greatest joys in your work these days?
What are the biggest challenges in your work?
What websites, webinars, podcasts, books or other media do you consume regularly to improve your work?
What else do you do for your own lifelong learning?
What are the greatest barriers to you pursuing lifelong learning? Please select all that apply.
Availability of relative opportunities
Not sure what would be effective and useful
Not sure where to find resources that would be effective and useful
There's just too much out there already; it is hard to know where to start
ALLLM is determining the best steps forward to support you in your work as a lifelong learning leader. Which of the following topics would you find interesting and useful? Please select all that apply.
Leadership best practices
Economic models for lifelong learning
Research/trends in lifelong learning
Educational models and best practices
Promotion and communicuations
Educational Technology
Leading Institutional Change
Which of the following kinds of resources would you find interesting and useful? Please select all that apply.
Essays/publications related to lifelong learning
Resources and how-to guides posted on the ALLLM webstie
Opportunities to network/ learn from other lifelong learning leaders online
Opportunities to network/ learn from other lifelong learning leaders in person
Jobs board
In what guild or association meetings related to your work do you regularly participate? (e.g. AAR, REA, APCE, etc)
Should be Empty: